Charleston, West Virginia My Life Story On My Own Writings Yellow, Gold, Kings, Fathers, and the Sun

Julien Conquers the Dark Side & Begins her Advance on the World of Sun

How am I doing? Well, I’ve conquered the world of vice and now I can afford to buy a car. A few months back I was on the verge of homelesshess. Draw your own conclusions.

So what’s next for the woman who has turned Pure Evil into her little lap dog?

The World of the Sun.

The most wonderful thing about life is how there are infinite worlds to conquer. You can never exhaust them. A new world is a new mathematics. Everything changes. I love it. Every world is lucent and perfectly crystallized. It’s own rules. It’s own morality. I love it so much. Nothing makes me more excited than preparing to enter a new world. I am cleaning my apartment right now in anticipation.

I always thought of a home as a spaceship that lets you travel between worlds. You program it for the new world you want to enter and it flies you there. The most exciting thing ever.

Who knows what the future holds & when I’ll have to face the plane of survival again. God probably plunges all of us there periodically to give our red a tune up. But for this one moment, I am relatively safe. Safer than before. My apartment is warm. Warm air is the ultimate luxury.

And all through no virtue of my own. Quite the opposite. In fact, when I was living out my own version of virtue- working hard, setting sights low, inflicting pain on self when possible- I was sinking the fastest. Hard work can’t save you once you get too close to the realm of slaves. Cause money comes from other people. If money is about anything, it’s about social intelligence, not work. I still don’t have any of that though. I just temporarily hit some good luck.

Had I been saved by my own efforts, perhaps I’d emerge from the pit with a different philosophy. But as it is, I move forward with the feeling that a person’s own efforts have little impact on their destiny. It’s external influences that make or break us. We are one, they are many & hence far more powerful.

So while some see responsibility as focusing on what you can control, to me it means trying to befriend those things more powerful than you.

Like the sun. He is the King of our Solar System.

Decorating my apartment to prepare for the Sun’s arrival.
Luckily the sun doesn’t care if you are neat or messy.
He only cares that you display pictures of him.
That is all he asks.
In exchange he gives us Everything.
Charleston, West Virginia My Life Story On My Own Writings

Jupiter’s World

I never wanted to leave my country- The United States of America- but something came up and I had to go to Argentina. It is scary. I had planned to make my way through life as a Beggar but now I eat gigantic steaks with wine every night. Plus appetizers & desserts. Anything I want.

Here cost is no object. Before it was the only object. I don’t know how to think about this new reality. It will be hard to go back to the world I knew before. If that world still exists.

You don’t know how delicious this food is. So much pleasure squeezed into every meal. I have never been a food person but this is a transcendent experience. A dimension of life I didn’t know existed. Here, you don’t eat to survive. You eat to experience pleasure. And the people you eat with want you to experience pleasure. It makes them happy.

Pleasure is confusing. I always felt my value came from pain. Increasing my pain capacity, my pain appreciation, the value I could extract from pain. Believing I could turn pain into something life sustaining was the source of my confidence.

Now I’m trying to make sense of life through a pleasure lens. I don’t know where this is leading yet. I’m afraid I’ll puff up then dissolve like a cracker left in soup. Doesn’t pleasure make people soft, selfish, inconsequential? It tastes so good tho I can’t say no. Do you have any idea how many flavors are packed into every meal? Little treats they bring you between courses?

What will happen to me if I start to crave pleasure? Will I still be okay with people being assholes? I’m afraid I’ll lose the strengths that helped me survive.

Here I’m supposed to order what I want. Okay then. Appetizer, entree, main course, dessert one. Dessert Two. Wine. More wine. Strange liquors.

No one is critical of me. Before, I worked so hard, but was considered dumb and lazy. Now I’m sprawled in bed like a pig, yet considered smart and kind. The room costs $750 a night. Why? No one knows. Why is the bed the size of a swimming pool? Why are the walls covered in gold? The rules of life have changed. It may be a trick, but it feels so good- bread, wine, cookies, desserts- I can’t pull myself away.

Beds so large. Rooms so gold. The people are educated and polite. Best of all, they are so sympathetic. They never say, “Whose fault is that, bitch?!” when you slip on a marble floor. It’s “My poor baby!” instead. They don’t hoard money but let it go like feathers. Why am I in this world and what am I supposed to learn from it? Am I really here just to pleasure myself? Is there some deeper meaning?

The people are so smart. Their thinking is conventional. They never peer behind curtains to see what is hidden. If a dog is sleeping they let it lie. Why rock the boat when each person is served a giant toasted cheese- the size of a book- to eat before dinner?

Everyone speaks different languages too. If they wanted to say something snarky how could they? It’s buenos and smiles as far as the eye can see.

And if you want to walk home after dinner, you’ll be escorted. If you prefer to drive, you’ll be driven. I don’t know what is happening but I hope it turns out well.

Two weeks later I’m back on American soil. Slippers is so happy.
Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs Videos

Life You Told Me

Life you told me
On my knees you sold me
But only for a day
Held my face said don’t cry
Soon you’ll understand why
Tiny price to pay.

But it hurts sometimes
Can’t explain why
I gave you my faith
Why do they go away?

Moon falls down
To the room beneath the ground
Where all the memories don’t fit.
Open a box to find you
Shut it down to bind you
In the darkened corner where I sit.

But it hurts sometimes
Can’t explain why
I gave you my faith
Why do they go away?

And the moon roll down
Thru the tunnel under the ground
Where the memories remain
In the corners where they crouch
Their little hands reach out
Another drop of rain.

Pain like a paint stripe
Your face the dark of night
You crawl across me like the moon
Laying down for a surprise
Your fingers on my eyes
Didnt know you’d disappear so soon.

And it hurts sometimes
Can’t explain why
I gave you my faith
Why do they go away?

Life you told me
On my knees you sold me
But only for a day
Held my face said don’t cry
Soon you’ll understand why
Tiny price to pay.

But it hurts sometimes
Can’t explain why
I gave you my faith

Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs Videos

Animal (Video)

Feel him come up from the water
Feel him standing there against the wall.
Now his shadow fall upon you
Like an animal you learn to crawl!

Did he even know you now? Did he even know?

Watch him take three steps towards you
Turn your head and listen for the pain
Feel his shadow crawl upon you
Like an animal he make it Rain!!!!

Did he even know you now? Did he even know?

Nobody knows you now. Lost in a world of stars.
No one can feel for you when, nobody here knows who you are….
You are the dark, you are the pull, the hands, the throat, the animal, you scream.
You’re trying hard to see but guided only by the light within a dream.

Dark stars throw themselves upon you
Animal rain down from the sky
Run so fast towards the water
Can you make it home before you the light?

Did he even know you now? Did he even know?

Charleston, West Virginia Earth, Pink, Mothers, Love Music & Songs


Crawl into the world your eyes are slits
Fuzzy shapes & so you start to squint
Smiling harder now you try to please
Always feel so eager on your knees

Then his hands reach out so large and blue
So you do the things you always do
Try to make him happy make him stay
But in the end he just goes away.

Oh no one will love you like I do
Take my hand you know that I’ll stay with you
Forever and you say you’ll leave me
Never still you go away

First you think you’ll die but then you don’t no
To a hollow cave is where you go
Then the walls fall away and you see the sky
Your body breaks and you start to fly

This is how you learn that you’ll survive
Until another man comes down the line
So you do the things you did before
But this time he will hurt you even more

Bleeding like a pig into the rain
Clawing at a puddle made of pain
Killing everything that you love best
Because the light is breaking in your chest

Oh no one will love you like I do
Take my hand you know that I’ll stay with you
Forever and you say you’ll leave me
Never still you go away

First you think you’ll die but then you don’t no
To a hollow cave is where you go
Then the walls fall away and you see the sky
Your body breaks and you start to fly

And then you go away.

Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs Yellow, Gold, Kings, Fathers, and the Sun


Close your eyes
Fantasize a place that’s safe and warm in your mind
A yellow world from the storm all the time

Arms. No more harm today.
Sometimes I go fly so far away.

So I’lll sit and day dream maybe
Hiding in the sun
Cold comes to remind you that he’s only having fun.

Someone deal you a heart & you play it
Because you wanted a game
But in the end it’s pain
In the end it’s pain.

Lie me down
Spill my mind to the ground
Roll over me
Show me everything I want to see.

Hands. Wander thru the day
Sometimes we go fly so far away.

So I’lll sit and day dream maybe
Hiding in the sun
Cold comes to remind you that he’s only having fun.

Someone deal you a heart & you play it
Because you wanted a game
But in the end it’s pain
In the end it’s pain.

Whisper in my ear you’re blurry now
I wanted something but dont know how
Dont know how to try.

Everyone said why do you feel this way
When he could be the man
Who changes everything
But I dont know I fly.

So I’lll sit and day dream maybe
Hiding in the sun
Cold comes to remind you that he’s only having fun.

Someone deal you a heart & you play it
Because you wanted a game
But in the end it’s pain
In the end it’s pain.

Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs Sky Blue, Ether, Flags, and Fairies Uncategorized


Whistling we walk downtown
And the clouds float high above the ground
You take my hand you stand so high above me.

A black snake round a silver knife
How the cups fill up way in the sky
They hold the future why you look into me?

But when I tell you I feel touched
Then you tell me that I talk too much
And I think that maybe you are using me.

Cause you tell me that I’m fun though I’m not the one
The pain comes from a heart so black and gray
Why do you play?

You whistle there beside the door
There was someone where I was before
And a world inside your eyes I wait and see.

I fill the cup I drink it down
And I swirl and swirl when you’re around
With your hands upon me now I am free.

But when I tell you I feel crushed
Then you tell me that I think too much
And I think that maybe you are using me.

Cause you tell me that I’m fun though I’m not the one
The pain comes from a heart so black and gray
Why do you play?

Try to breath but it dont help
For the first time now I doubt myself
I don’t know which of the things I should believe.

But when I tell you I feel clutched
Then you tell that I feel too much
And I think that maybe you were using me.

Cause you tell me that I’m fun though I’m not the one
The pain comes from a heart so black and gray
Why do you play?

Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs Red, Soldiers, & Fire Videos

Pain (Video)

First bring the needle out
Tighten up the tourniquet
And now you feel the waters flow
And now the whole world grows so wet

And now how blood is beautiful
Liquid ruby through your veins and
I will love you fire to fire
Desire. You make me feel pain.

Falling back again
With your eyes an inch a way
And somehow turn from day to night
Then somehow turn from night to day

And now you light your pipe again
And now you speak your words they’re never true
You feel the room spin round and round
Theres only me and you and now

How red is beautiful
Liquid ruby through my veins
And I, I feel the world dissolve resolve
You make me feel pain.

First bring the needle out
Slide it through my eye oh I oh I
How I could live for this
So high above the world I fly I fly

I’ll love you fire to fire
And I will love you flame to flame
And I oh will I marry you, I do
You make me feel pain.

Charleston, West Virginia men Music & Songs Red, Soldiers, & Fire


First bring the needle out
Tighten up the tourniquet
And now you feel the waters flow
And now the whole world grows so wet

And now how blood is beautiful
Liquid ruby through your veins and
I will love you fire to fire
Desire. You make me feel pain.

Falling back again
With your eyes an inch a way
And somehow turn from day to night
Then somehow turn from night to day

And now you light your pipe again
And now you speak your words they’re never true
You feel the room spin round and round
Theres only me and you and now

How red is beautiful
Liquid ruby through my veins
And I, I feel the world dissolve resolve
You make me feel pain.

First bring the needle out
Slide it through my eye oh I oh I
How I could live for this
So high above the world I fly I fly

I’ll love you fire to fire
And I will love you flame to flame
And I oh will I marry you, I do
You make me feel pain.

Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs Sky Blue, Ether, Flags, and Fairies

Blue Sky

Feel life upon you like a wave
The men will come but they won’t stay
No one knows where they’re going.

So much like you- you once were here
Step into blue then disappear
I don’t know why.

Try not to move, try not to cry
Hold onto glass but never break it.

The thing is this was never real
You confuse life with what you feel
I don’t know why.

You sigh it’s just the world you know
The men will come the men will go
No one knows why.

But pain remains that can’t be hid
The hand that cut you as a kid
Blue blue sky.

Your heart it stretches out like glue
Existing so outside of you
No one knows why.

You thought you had a friend- you don’t
You thought he’d help you but he won’t
Blue blue sky.