Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Charleston, West Virginia men Music & Songs Red, Soldiers, & Fire Videos


Jay, when you wanted to go
Were you wanting to mate her mainly?
Never wanting to save your baby oh

Stay cause I wanted to know
Sometimes I come to cry down this town
Cause I needed a home. Do you ever come near

Come far? Do you ever think of me as someone
Who could be part of your world
Wrapped in a warm red fire?

Jay, when we talk on the phone
Could you ever conceive that maybe
I could not understand why you’re always alone?

And the weather is cold?
Sometimes I come to cry down this town
No one knows where I go. Would you ever come near

Come far? Do you ever think of me as someone
Who could be part of your world
Wrapped in a warm red fire?

Hold your hands behind your back
And tell me that you’re coming back
Leave me with the fire inside

Shadows dancing on the wall
Like crazy men they trip and fall
Somewhere in the fire I hide.

Jay, when you leave me alone
Sometimes I go and stand there crazy
Broken glass in my hand cause I gotta hold on

And the weather is cold.
Every night when I wander this town
No one knows where I go. Would you ever come near

Come far? Do you ever think of me as someone
Who could be part of your world
Wrapped in a warm red fire?

Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs Sky Blue, Ether, Flags, and Fairies Uncategorized Videos

One More Day

All the streets dip & sing
Everything’s a different thing to you.
All the clouds like cotton fly
Every day a different sky.

When I knew you didn’t care
Turn & walk away.
One more day.

Every day you drink your drink
It doesn’t matter what I think or do.
Reach for you to feel the pain
On your chest then it rain.

When I knew you didn’t care
Turn & walk away.
One more day.

Make a wish for you to love me
Reach for something far above me

Wish I knew the day the rain came
Spend the day just waiting for goodbye.

In your car at night we drive
And the secret world go by.
Thru the window everything
Will we ever see again.

When I knew you didn’t care
Turn & walk away.
One more day.

Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs Yellow, Gold, Kings, Fathers, and the Sun


This song, which I wrote around a month ago, turned out to be prescient, since the following weeks have been spent uncovering secrets and sitting around crying because of them. Oh well. At any rate, I am now left with the feeling that I don’t want to be me anymore. At least not the suffocating me I have grown accustomed to. All I really want out of life is to live on the beach in a tiny pink shack and do psychic readings for people. And have enough money to buy t-shirts, scented soaps, and fish sandwiches. And to be able to swim through the ocean every day with my eyes open.

Would I want to do music? Maybe… I don’t know. Some parts I don’t like, like having to record it and upload it to a website. The process is straightforward and takes very little time, but still I seem to dread it. I am a technophobe, maybe. Plus, it is lonely, but the alternative is to sing and dance on a stage with people watching and that has a hollow feeling as well. Maybe I just don’t feel the need to share anything of myself with the world in the first place. What is the world but a big hollow ball? Why did I ever decide to “express myself” to begin with? I can’t remember what the point was…


When it comes to gold and kings
When it comes to killing things
When it comes to what we know
Stairs that lead us down below

Nightfall, falling away
Nightfall, come and play
Nightfall, will you help us slide
into the place where secrets hide?

All along, we travelled through a star encrusted sky
But did you ever know he watched you fly?

When it comes to giving things
and the happiness it brings
When to bravery and pride
Ribbons on our horses tied

Nightfall, falling away
Nightfall, come and play
Nightfall, will you watch us ride
into the place where secrets hide?

All along, we travelled through a star encrusted sky
But did you ever know he watched you fly?

When it comes to time and space
We remain in the same place
When it comes to killing me
Lift the knife and you will see

Nightfall, tumbling bone
Nightfall, velvet home
Nightfall, bury us inside
to reach the place where secrets hide.

All along, we travelled through a star encrusted sky
But did you ever know he watched you fly?


Download: Nightfall

Astrology Charleston, West Virginia

Mercury: Separate a person’s words from their character, or suffer the consequences!

One thing I have learned from reading people’s charts is the importance of Mercury, a planet I frequently overlook, since on the surface it seems so boring. Mercury rules communication and the intellect. Who cares?! People don’t get astrology readings to learn more about their writing style. But I have come to realize that if you DON’T take a person’s Mercury into account, you run the deadly risk of mistaking the way a person talks for who they actually are.

My Mercury, for example, is in the sign of Scorpio, which rules sex, death and everything gruesome. And it is true that I can hardly speak more than a couple sentences without bringing serial killers into the conversation. The more I try to control myself, the more the “Freudian slips” begin. Not to mention that I have three overlapping codes I write in which are constantly changing so the patterns won’t stay consistent. Do I have anything particularly secretive to write about? No. Because I never actually DO anything secretive. But even if I am writing a to do list, I might suddenly become paranoid about someone else being able to read it. Scorpio rules secrets.

Mercury also governs listening and attention. If someone tries to talk about Buddhism or saving the environment around me, I start to sink into a coma. But mention sex with a goat, and I am all ears. And I live in terror that someday google histories will be made public because when I zone out I tend to google things related to crime, perversion, Woody Allen, and how to know if your husband had sex with his mother.

However, this is just my mercury and luckily not my moon. Which means it has no correlation to what I actually do in real life. My physical existence is the opposite of dark, intense & perverted. I never wear black. I don’t even like Halloween. My favorite activities are walking, talking and going for car rides thanks to a moon in breezy and superficial Gemini. Being involved in anything remotely criminal would be my worst nightmare. I don’t have the nerves for it, nor the interest. But my speech patterns have at times caused people to reach the wrong conclusions about me.

Likewise, I have known humble people who speak like braggarts (Mercury in Leo). Power hungry people who talk like saints. Saints who talk like serial killers. Happy people who sound sad. Crazy people who sounds presidential. Dumb people who seem smart. And smart people who sound dumb. The point is that our style of communication can be a totally different animal from what lies beneath. So don’t be confused! Have you ever heard Jeffrey Dahmer’s sweet and thoughtful baby speech? Assuming a person’s words are a window into their soul may be the last thing you ever do!

Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Hurricane, West Virginia Music & Songs Uncategorized

Spirits Fly



Spirits Fly

Spirits Fly

spirits fly, one two three, come up behind me tonight
shadows shine, brilliantly, burning behind me so fine

spirits talk, they whisper lies, green trees and cloudy skies- someone is high
spirits breathe upon my face; lighter than than lace I comply

people stare, stare at me, I’ll be what they want me to be- I don’t mind
stay inside, lock the door, prisoner of war so refined

spirits fly, four through six, held by the wrist I can’t lie
burning cry, lost in mist, don’t let them see in my mind

secret things on tippy toe, where do they go in the night
introduce, stop and stare, walking on air it’s not right

never known, misunderstood, nobody’s good in the night
cotton falls all over me, how can i see what is right

silver moon, decompose, never expose us tonight
spirit’s fly, seven eight, drip and dilate it’s alright

people stare, stare at me, I’ll be what they want me to be- but they can’t see in the night
spirits fly nine and ten, sun rises up muscles us into the light

brains will fall back into place,hearts wear their double face, running a race to the light
dreams will dry and disappear, cheer will replace getting high


Download MP3: Spirits Fly