Los Angeles Music & Songs Red, Soldiers, & Fire

The Vanderlus


This is a morality song about the Vanderlus, an ordinary confederate couple with the classic southern problems of over-exuberance, intolerance of boredom, and a proclivity for jumping back and forth between the fire and the frying pan.

Jackson Rice with Alana, golden cube, rabbit, ribbon, teardrop, clouds and rectangle.














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Los Angeles Music & Songs Red, Soldiers, & Fire Uncategorized



Introduction to the true story of the fairies who fought in the Cival War.


For some reason, I love confederate soldiers and they pop up frequently into my imagination.* Obviously, the south was in the wrong, but still I tend to think that the soldiers did not fight alone, but had fairies fighting with them side by side. Why would fairies fight for the Confederate army? I don’t know. My best guess is that they wanted the south to remain agricultural and undeveloped, so that they would have a place to live and their societies and cultures would not be destroyed. But in the end, they were. It is strange how even in the most black and white circumstances, there will always be more to the picture than we can see.


* I don’t like slavery.


Download MP3: Massanuttin